HSPT Prep Course Curriculum

Individualized Diagnostics

Students will begin the course by taking a diagnostic practice test in order to identify each student’s individual strengths and weaknesses. Supplemental practice materials at the end of each classroom session will be provided to each student based on the results of the diagnostic test.

Comprehensive review of the academic skills tested on the HSPT

Experienced Math and Language Arts teachers will lead instruction to review all areas of the test, including:

  • Verbal Skills: Analogies, Synonyms, Logic, Verbal Classifications, Antonyms
  • Quantitative Skills: Number Series, Geometric Comparison, Nongeometric Comparison, Number Manipulation
  • Reading: Comprehension, Vocabulary
  • Mathematics: Concepts, Problem-Solving
  • Language Skills: Punctuation and Capitalization, Usage, Spelling, Composition

Special attention will be given to understanding the question type, developing solving strategies, and test specific tips for each section.  Also, some skills which can be sharpened over time will be reviewed in multiple class sessions, such as timed reading and math sequencing.

Format Specific Practice

At the end of each class session, students will take a mini-assessment in the format of that section of the test.  This will allow students to apply the knowledge gained during that class session to HSPT test-specific questions.  This familiarity with the test materials will play a significant role in reducing their anxiety, allowing their full potential to be accurately reflected on the test.

PEACE Skills

What sets us apart is our focus on our students developing confidence in their ability to perform well which is essential to success on the entrance exam and and beyond.  We achieve this through teaching PEACE Skills which help students to prepare emotionally, spiritually, and physically for the entrance exam and the transition to high school. During our PEACE Skill sessions, we cover topics such as time management, goal setting, planning logistics for test day and reflection on personal growth.  These PEACE Activities provide students with tools to be effective and confident. For the HSPT, each student will develop a bank of resources, as they will be encouraged to find and reflect upon problem-solving strategies that work for them.  Further, as a Catholic organization, we incorporate prayer into our class, as we believe that students benefit from the peace and power that prayer brings.

HSPT Simulation and Celebration

On the final day of the course, students will take a full-length practice test. Following the test, students will enjoy pizza together while celebrating their successful completion of the course.


As our logo indicates, our curriculum is surrounded by confidence and faith. Students having confidence in their ability to perform well is essential to their success, both for the entrance exam and beyond.
Read more about our curriculum.


The HSPT, a one-time test for 8th graders entering Catholic high schools, is used to determine admittance, track placement, and, in some circumstances, whether scholarship dollars will be awarded. While a good elementary education is the best preparation, students’ true ability may not be reflected, as they may be anxious, are often unfamiliar with the format of the test, or may need to review relevant material taught in previous grades. Read More about the test and how PEACE can help.


The course will be taught by high-energy, highly skilled Catholic junior high school teachers, many of whom are graduates of University of Notre Dame's Associates in Catholic Education (ACE) program or Loyola University's LU-CHOICE program. Read More about our teachers and our team of professionals.